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About the future

"My plan is to reveal to men that there exists for them but two paths. One will lead them inexorably to devastation and death. The other, my friends, my dear ones, will lead mankind straight to God; and in the light of His Presence they, if ready, will see wonders and unbelievable glories.

"The choice is yours; you, from your own divinely given free will, must decide. If you, as in my heart I know you will, decide for God, I shall take you to Him; and together we shall place before Him our life of service to Him and to the world."

"My intention is to show you the simple path to the future, a path which will lead you directly to God. Take my hand, my friends, and let us together walk that Path and know the meaning of life, know the blessing of Love, know the purpose of God."

"A new civilization must be built on the ruins of the old. That which is precious and worth preserving will be so preserved, but all that hinders the manifestation of man’s true greatness must be discarded. A time is coming, my friends, when you will see around you cities of beauty, glowing creations of love, and all the manifestation of man’s dreams…
Thus will it be."

"My friends, my children, I am here to show you that there exists for man a most marvellous future. Decked in all the colors of the rainbow, glowing with the Light of God, man, one day, will stand upright in his divinity.  This I promise you."

"Today there is a new light, a new possibility for change. A new hope is sweeping the world."

"The choice is yours; you, from your own divinely given free will, must decide. If you, as in my heart I know you will, decide for God, I shall take you to Him; and together we shall place before Him our life of service to Him and to the world."

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Last modified: 11/01/99